MB fontsEverybody wins

This book was type­set with font fam­i­lies I designed.

Eq­uity, Valkyrie, and Cen­tury Supra are faces for body text.

Eq­uity is based on Stan­ley Mori­son’s Ehrhardt, which in turn was based on the work of the Hun­gar­ian de­signer Miklós Kis.

Valkyrie is a con­tem­po­rary, cal­li­graphic serif partly in­spired by Palatino.

Cen­tury Supra is a tra­di­tional serif in the style of Cen­tury School­book, though darker and nar­rower—it fits more text on the page.

Con­course was in­flu­enced by geo­met­ric sans ser­ifs of the 1930s like Gill Sans and Futura.

He­liotrope is a semi-serif fam­ily that can be paired with ei­ther a sans or serif.

Her­mes Maia was in­spired by Ger­man dis­play type of the 1920s.

Trip­li­cate is a mono­spaced font in the 1950s tradition.

Ad­vo­cate is an em­phatic all-caps face for lo­gos, let­ter­head, and busi­ness cards.

For prices and buy­ing links, click any font name above.

For more elab­o­rate sam­ples, visit mb­type.com.

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