Courier alternativesWhen you must use a monospaced font

I’m in an awk­ward po­si­tion. As your ty­pog­ra­phy ad­vi­sor, I’ve coun­seled you not to use mono­spaced fonts.

But the truth is—I really like them. The golden age of mono­spaced fonts was prob­a­bly the 1950s, when IBM led the type­writer in­dus­try and re­leased a se­ries of great mono­spaced de­signs. One of these was Courier. But the sys­tem font Courier New is a beastly im­i­ta­tion of the orig­i­nal: spindly, lumpy, and just plain ugly.

As an an­ti­dote, I’ve cre­ated Trip­li­cate, a mono­spaced font fam­ily in­flu­enced by sev­eral type­writer fonts of the ’50s, and op­ti­mized for body text. Trip­li­cate has gen­uine italic styles (in­stead of a sloped ro­man like Courier) and small caps too.

For an up­dated take on the clas­sic type­writer look, try Pitch, which is more an­gu­lar and sleek.

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