Sample documents

Now it’s time to put every­thing to­gether. Like good writ­ing, good ty­pog­ra­phy isn’t de­ter­mined by el­e­ments in iso­la­tion but by the re­la­tion­ship of those el­e­ments and the ef­fect of the whole.

So far we’ve looked at ty­po­graphic rules in­di­vid­u­ally. In this chap­ter, we’ll ap­ply these rules to some com­mon le­gal doc­u­ments. Your goal is to get bet­ter at see­ing ty­po­graphic flaws in lay­outs and fix­ing them.

Each sam­ple doc­u­ment is shown as a be­fore-and-af­ter demon­stra­tion: “be­fore” rep­re­sents a typ­i­cal lay­out with the usual bad habits; “af­ter” rep­re­sents a lay­out up­graded with the lessons of this book.

The sam­ples in this chap­ter were cre­ated with Mi­crosoft Word—no spe­cial trick­ery was used. (The names and sit­u­a­tions in the sam­ple doc­u­ments are, of course, fictional.)

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